In the presence of water, the alkoxy group of CFS-096 cas 14814-09-6 [KH-580;A-1891;Z-6911] will be hydrolyzed to form an active silicone hydroxyl group, while releasing ethanol as a by-product of the hydrolysis reaction. This silicone hydroxyl group will form a chemical bond by condensation with the hydroxyl group on the surface of various inorganic materials (substrates or fillers); and its sulfhydryl group can be chemically cross-linked or physically adsorbed by suitable resins and elastomers. Through the above two-way reaction, this product can realize the coupling and connection between inorganic fillers (or substrates) and organic polymer materials, or realize the silanization capping modification or cross-linking of resins.
The hydrolysis of CFS-096 cas 14814-09-6 [KH-580;A-1891;Z-6911] requires organic acids (such as formic acid, acetic acid, etc.) as catalysts, specifically by adjusting the pH of water to about 3.5~4.5, then adding silane and stirring for a period of time (at least 30 minutes or more) until the silane is completely dissolved and the solution is clear and transparent. Its hydrolysate is unstable and it is recommended to use it up within 24 hours. Fogging of the solution means that the silane has partially self-polymerized to form a polymer of silane (silicone) and failed.
When treating mineral fillers, minerals can be co-mingled with silane at high speed shear without adding any solvent. After treating the silane, the treated substrate or mineral surface should be dried briefly at 104 to 121°C to allow the silanol to complete its condensation and to remove the small amount of methanol or ethanol formed during hydrolysis of the methoxysilane.
Suitable polymers for this product include (but are not limited to) polysulfide rubber and sulfur vulcanized or metal oxide vulcanized rubber (e.g. natural rubber, styrene butadiene rubber, butadiene rubber, neoprene rubber, etc.) This product can also modify some polymers (e.g. polyurethane, PVC, etc.) by addition or grafting to give the polymer some superior physicochemical properties with moisture vapor curing and silane crosslinking.